Yes, that's correct. My Jeep is parked in my garage. No hell did not freeze over, and the Vikings won't win the super bowl this year, but my garage is.....I don't want to say "clean".....how about uncluttered enough, that I can fit the Jeep in there.
For the last month we've had the garage full of crap from a garage sale that we had in the beginning of June. We finally got sick of looking at it all so we loaded up the Liberty and dumped it off at the Goodwill. After lunch I did a bit of reorganizing, and WHAMMY!
There is still a lot of crap that I need to find a home for. I know that James wants the light box, and I've still got the tables in there. They'll be going back to my parents house. There's a few other random things, golf clubs, random pile of wood flooring, folding chairs. Speaking of golf clubs. If anyone wants them, let me know. There's one crappy driver, a decent 3 wood, and some decent irons. There to short for me, so they gotta go.
I'd eventually like to install one of those drop down ladders in the celling, so that I can store some stuff up there. That will help a lot.
Look for the real reason the Jeep is in the garage, in the next update. Coming soon!
I'm so proud to see that you have finally embraced the Zimm method of garage cleaning......combine the piles in the middle with the piles on the outside to make bigger piles and WHAMMY! you have room for a vehicle (or, as in my case, more junk!!)
Looks great Cor! I know why it's "cleaned up", (sh, I won't tell).
FYI- the POP MEGA garage sale is coming soon. Collections start Sat. July 21st. It's a great way to get rid of some of that stuff you've been hanging on to. I can get you more info if you want.
We'll probably have a pile for that again this year. We brought a bunch of stuff there last year.
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