Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What I've been drinking

Lakemaid beer is a limited release brew from August Schell Brewing Co. & Rapala. Brewed in Schell's old world tradition, this classic American lager is a crisp, clean, refreshing beer, specially brewed to capture the flavor of the fishing country where the legendary lakemaids swim. With a malt flavor like a soft summer breeze and the sparkle of hops that dances like sun on the water, this is the ice cold beer with a taste so good it proves that great fishermen never need to exaggerate.

Todd and I tasted this at the Sportshow in MPLS this year and we really liked it. I've only seen it at Marketplace Liquor in Savage. I think it's a really good beer. Under each cap tells you what you've caught. "Weeds." "Picked clean." "26lb Carp." etc.

I suggest that you pick some up while it's still available.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Random pictures

It's been a while since a post, and even longer since I've talked about Jeeping. So, here are some pics of Jeeping. Enjoy



Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekend update


Worked till 6:30pm. Got home, and met up with one of my wave kids from a couple of years ago. He was at church last Wednesday for the closing ceremony and he wanted to get together on Friday. So when I got home I called him and we went bowling. We rolled 4 games then came back to my house and hung out. It was good to catch up with him, since I hadn't seen him since before he graduated.


Back to work. I worked for the better part of the day, trying to get a custom job ready for Monday morning. We made an 8' Mahogany circle for a dining room, and there was a mistake so we had to correct it.
It was made in quarters and as you can see in the picture, one of the sections is missing. Well, that's what we had to fix. Somehow when we installed all the sections, that one ended up being short. I don't know how it happened.

After putting that section in our jig, I came home and vegged on the couch until it was time to go get our drink on at the P.L. VFW. Since the smoking ban, it's actually nice to go out to the bar. All of the other bars in Prior Lake are dives, and the VFW is no exception. However, the have the cheapest drink prices.


Slept in!! It felt great!! Didn't even get dressed till noon. Finally made it over to Mom and Dads to finish up on the cabinet doors. Then we rode along with Mom and Dad to deliver some picture frame molding that Dad ran for someone that he works with. Made a pit stop at Von Hanson's Meats and had ourselves a BBQ. Made our way back over to Mom and Dads to pick up the doors. Got home and installed them, and finished installing the crown molding. Hopefully tomorrow is an easy day, cause I could use a little break.

We installed 3 custom jobs last week. Not only is it physically exhausting but it's mentally exhausting as well. Here are the other two jobs that we did. This one is a custom header that the homeowner wanted. Rather than the usually straight angle he decided that he wanted a little bendy thing.

This one is a curved nosing. The total length on it was just under 33 feet. This is just an opening to the lower level of this house. The stare case is in a completely different spot.

I love doing this kind of work.