Saturday, April 26, 2008

A winter wonderland... spring? April 26Th and I wake up to this.....

Earlier this week it was 75 degrees. The ice finally went out on the lake last weekend, and I thought we were done with this stuff. What a bunch of crap.

Monday, April 14, 2008


The kitchen is moving along swiftly now. Todd and Nick finished up and came over to install everything on Saturday. I have to say that they did a fantastic job. It really looks great. I couldn't be happier with it.

I spent most of the day Sunday putting on sanding sealer and polyurethane. I did some touch up tonight, and put on some of the crown molding. Mom offered up their garage to finish the doors, since mine is full of Jeep and old cabinets. I'll probably be bringing them over sometime this week. Todd will be coming over, probably tomorrow, to measure for the new counter top.

For fear of jinxing things. I'm NOT going to say that spring is finally hear. I'm NOT going to say that it was a really nice day out today. I'm also NOT going to say that it's supposed to be in the 60's this week and that it's aboot time. I will say that the job sites are a damn mess because of the melting snow and ice, and that I got stuck in the driveway of my job today. That was a treat.

Well, I've gone and babbled on about a bunch of crap that no one cares about. So, I'm off to bed.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Quick update

On Easter, Mel's Grandma and Grandpa asked me to make them a stool for their entry way. Something they could sit on to put on their shoes. So, hear it is.
They wanted it unfinished because they want to finish it them selves.

I also finally got the mantle for the fireplace hung. That's only taken a month. Once I get some new batteries for the camera I'll put up some pictures of that. So basically that it. I get up, go to work, come home and go out to the garage and work on things like that. I do have to clean the garage though. The new cabinets will be coming soon. YAY!!!!