Thursday, July 31, 2008

For Sale


When Mel and I were in St. Croix State Park, we sat in on a demonstration on how to make a bent shaft canoe paddle. It was a very good demonstration and the instructor was very nice. He let me take pictures and measurements, and even handed out a card with measurements on it. He encouraged us to try to make them at home.

So I did. Here's what I made.

If any of you canoe and want a custom made paddle I would love to make one. They cost on average $100.00 at the stores (REI, Gander MTN, Duluth Pack, etc) Cost would be negotiable.

I made the paddle of Pine and Cedar. I could make it any way someone would want. All pine, all cedar. More stripes, less stripes, no stripes. The one in the picture is my first attempt. I fiber glassed half of the blade for strength and abrasion resistance. I think on the next one I'll just add an epoxy resin tip to the blade. I think that would be more than enough and would be easier.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share. If any of you know someone in the market. Send them my way.


Captain Random said...

Lookin' good.

Welcome back to the interweb. You two get a new computer?

John Brower said...


It would be worth buying a canoe just to have paddles as handsome as yours. Beautiful job!

Uncle John

Aimee said...

those are some nice looking paddles. I have a friend at work that is a BWCA-oholic! I can see if that would be something her and her husband would be interested in.