I did actually finish the tile job. Here's some pictures.

We decided on a little bit darker grout. Mel didn't like it at first but she has come around.

I had to redo the toe kick on the vanity. So I decided to sheet the side and make it flush with the face frame. I also was able to trim it correctly and get rid of the stupid little toe kick "cap" the the builder used.
Here is the "before." This is the other bathroom. You can see that the base shoe going around the bottom of the vanity stops and there is a dumb "stop block" looking thing, then it continues under the toe kick.

Here is the "after." Now you can see that there is no more "stop block" and the base shoe is mitered like it should be.

Work is mega slow, so I've had some time to get this stuff done. I've also been framing some pictures I've had lying around the house. I've got a frame made for the leaf picture that we got from Mike and Aimee. It's HUGE!! It's going to be awesome though. I also finished up the coffee table that I made for my mother in-law for Christmas. I had it made and gave it to her unfinished, that way she could pick out a stain color that she would like. Since it was a little warmer out the last couple of days I got it all stained up, and now it just needs a couple coats of polyurethane.
I've been pretty lazy on the updates lately cause we got Dish and I've been so absorbed by Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe and being able to watch Wild and Gopher hockey, that I haven't wanted to even look at this computer. But I suppose I can still keep all of you up to date on the thrills of my day to day life.