I've been a little busy lately. That in combination with the projects I've been working on have all been Christmas presents, I haven't had much to talk about. So let's see....
I installed, sanded, and coated a floor for my parents neighbors. Had some help from Todd on the install and some help from a couple of guys from work on the sand/coat. It turned out fricken sweet!
I've been making wooden crosses for Christmas presents for a few people. (they don't read my blog) All the other stuff is top secrete till after Christmas. Then I'll have a full report on what I've been making.
Work is about to drive me off the deep end. The owner is a jack ass and half the employees don't have licenses or cars, so those of us who do have to cart them around. SUCKS!!!! They had their Holiday party last Friday but it was for "employees only." They said that we could bring our spouses but they didn't "buy" food for anyone but the employees so we'd have to pay for them. I thought that was pretty rude, so I didn't go. They the owner called me on Saturday morning to find out why I didn't come. WTF!!!1! I didn't come cause you all run the business like a bunch of damn commies!! So, the long of the short of it is....anyone know of a place where the housing market doesn't suck and I could get a job?
Well enough of that. I had to take Monday off to take care of my wife and so now I have to work on Saturday to make up for the hours I missed. Crappy but at the same time not. After Saturday, I'm off through Wednesday. My cousin Bryen is going to been in town from San Fran, for Christmas, so I'll get to seem him and the family on the 24th and then again on the 28th. We're having a Grill 'n' Chill at Eric and Holly's. Ah, just like old times. I can't wait. Eric, there is a list of things we'll have to do, you realise. Snowball the shed, blow up a grill, have a lot of beer, maple sausage, and of course, since we haven't seen B in a long time, ask him if he's broken any glass tables lately....
.I think I might get punched for that last one.....
Well that'll have to do for now. Oh, if anyone wants we're going to the 11:00 pm service on Christmas eve, at our church. All are welcome to join us.