I've been working on a new (to me) bike. Nick found this GT Rebound frame in a junkyard, and decided he didn't want to do anything with it. So I grabbed it. 3 or so years later I've done something with it. I took all the components off my Giant Yukon and put them on the GT. Anyway, it's much lighter and simpler. I've got a SRAM 9.0 8 speed rear derailleur, LX cranks with a 32 tooth chain ring on the front and Pro Max V Brakes. I decided that since I rarely ever shift the front when on the trail I figured that I didn't need one. It's much easier. Oh year I've got an Easton bar and stem, sooooo nice.
So, E. When you get back we have to hit up some trails. They've completely redone Murphy. It's got a beginner, intermediate, and advanced loop with table tops, bridges, and boardwalks. I can't wait to ride it!
Here's the bike pics...