Saturday, May 30, 2009


Man it's been a long time. Well, I suppose I should update this thing. I've been keeping busy. Mel and I have been planning for our mission trip. We're heading to Phoenix, AZ at the end of June. We'll be going with two other adults and about 16 high schoolers to lead a VBS at a small church down there. We're very excited.

Melanie and I have also started to ride our bikes again! Aboot time, eh! She and I have been making laps around Cleary Lake and our neighbor hood. I've been riding on my days off. In my last three rides I've logged about 50 miles. Slowly but surely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

log some miles for me won't ya??
I won't be back out on my bike for a while, or at least until I get an OK from the Dr. Aimee (I'm anonymous because I can't remember my password)